Sunday, December 4, 2011

Handwriting/Forgery Experiment

This experiment had two parts:

First we wrote the sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” in cursive and print. Then we gave the sheet to the person next to us and they had to try to forge the hand writing, first by free handing and then by tracing

Second we were given fake checks and we had to fill them out. Then we ripped up the checks into tiny pieces. After that we gave the pieces to the person beside us and they had to try to reassemble the check based of the handwriting.


  1. I like how you were able to include what the check looked like when it was fully put together, along with the tracing sheet where it showed both examples. Also I like the name you used for the check xD

  2. Argh I'm so mad I can't see any of the pictures! Stupid school computer. Anyways, you did a really good job explaining this lab and I liked how you included a picture of the check you made (even though I can't see it!).

  3. Great job! Your descriptions and pictures go really well together. It might be nice to add some personal reflection.
