Sunday, November 20, 2011

Famous Forgery Case

A famous case involving the forging of handwriting was in 1795. There was a claim that someone found a new version of "Kynge Leare" that was written by Shakespeare. A year later, Edward Malone claimed that the work was a fake. After observing the work, they found that the paper contained multiple different watermarks. Malone concluded that the forger had collected multiple pieces of paper from manuscripts etc and forged the work. Later in 1805 the forger wrote his confession.


  1. the information provided is concise and easy to understand for any reader! if possible, images could be added.

  2. I like the case you used it's very nice and the information is easy to understand.

  3. Good job Matthew! I think it's interesting that somebody tried to forge Shakespeare. :) I would add a picture of the original document if you have time!
