Sunday, November 27, 2011

Footprint Experiment

For this experiment we got into groups of four. Each member of the group placed a print in a container of dirt and analyzed the footprint. In my group (Amanda Pearson, Marissa Morrison, and Xena McDonald), Amanda had an easily identifiable print due to the fact she was wearing high heels. Marissa also had an easy to observe footprint due to the fact she was wearing flats. For Xena and I or footprints were similar becuase we were both wearing Converse ,and we were only differentiated by size. In this experiment we learned how to determine different characteristics of footprints and their importance.
Marissa's Footprint

(special thanks to Amanda Pearson)


  1. Your verbal explanation of the experiment was great. although, there is a lack of pictures. However, you may not have access to the pictures from the experiment so thats understandable

  2. The picture you used for this part of the project is very clear and you can distinctly see the footprint, while your explanation is very clear and to the point.

  3. Good job, I liked your descriptions of who was wearing what and why it was easy to identify. Maybe talk about super easy features of all the shoes, like the fact that Converse has the brand/size printed on the bottom, etc. Also, make sure to add in the questions we completed afterwards, like the differences between male/female prints and that stuff. I think Mr. Kelly wants that on the blog! :)
