Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lip Analysis

This was a class activity were first everyone (even the guys) applied lipstick/lip-gloss. After that we put our lips to a note card leaving a print behind of the lips. After that, we analyzed the prints for distinguishing characteristics. Then we got into groups of four and all four placed another lip print on a sheet of printer paper. The other groups had to then try to match the prints on the paper with the prints on the note cards. From this experiment I learned how to identify different print characteristics.


  1. Add the picture of your lips to better complement the text.

  2. The text you have is good maybe you could possibly add a picture?

  3. I like how you included (even the guys)! That was funny. Anyways, good description of the activity, maybe add a picture of the print to show how detailed they are?
